Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Life as an Oreo

For those of you on the OBG Subscriber list, you know that today I sent out an email asking subscribers to become Followers on both the OBG blog (not this one) and on Twitter in exchange for an advance (free) copy of the preface to Talking White: 14 Ways to Cope with Thoughtless Remarks, the subject of our online focus group that begins this Monday. The preface - My Life as an Oreo - is available for you to read before the focus group gets started so that you can get a glimpse into the reason for the book and a glimpse into my personal experience that makes me qualified to write about this rather sensitive subject. Please feel free to join the OBG blog and/or Twitter for traditional OBG updates. In the meantime, here is My Life as an Oreo. Enjoy! I'm sure you'll be able to relate.


  1. okay so i am at a lost as to how this is suppose to go? pleae help

  2. @msbazzell: Kindly read the post entitled "Let's Get This Party Started," and then respond to the questions at the bottom of the post using the "Post a Comment" area. During the next 4 weeks, anytime you see a new post, please respond. Hope that helps!

  3. My Life as an Oreo was a great read. Thanks so much for sharing that.

  4. Thank you for sharing this intro and for pointing out that it happens to many cultures at many ages. I have been a coconut for a long time. Thank you for this - I am looking forward to reading the whole book to my daughters.
