Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chapter 13: Go Shopping...


Go Shopping...for a Mentor! is the 13th coping mechanism (snickering). Although a day at my favorite boutique does relieve a little stress and worry, that's not the message I'm trying to send. (Particularly since certain behaviors (like shopping) only relieve stress temporarily anyway, right? Maybe I'll put "Shop Til You Drop" as a subheading under the "Vent" coping mechansim; just kidding. Hehehehe.)

Did you have a mentor?
Do you believe in mentors?
What is the value of a mentor?
What kind of people are good mentors?
Do you think a mentor can help a young person cope?


  1. Throughout my life, I've been blessed to have several mentors in various areas of my life. One of the most influential mentors was my high school English/Creative Writing/school newspaper teacher who inspired me to go into Journalism. She (a five-foot something middle-aged Caucasian Southern Belle) gave me an outlet to express myself when I moved from Chicago to Mississippi. So, I definitely believe in mentors! They hold so much power in a young person's life, and sometimes they have no idea. I recently found that teacher and called her to tell her what she meant and means to me. She was so shocked! By the end of the phone conversation, we were both crying!

    Anyone can be a mentor! Preachers, teachers, older family members, etc. can all be mentors. My mentor in high school definitely helped me cope. I was depressed when I first moved to the South. I was away from everything that was familiar to me and around some people who didn't like me just because of who I was as a person, which was different than them. My mom didn't understand where I was coming from, nor did my friends back in Chicago. So, in my Creative Writing class I wrote about my life in Chicago, which intrigued classsmates and showcased a gift my teacher recognized and acknowledged.

    Who knows where I would be or what path I would have taken without someone like her in my life?

  2. Did you have a mentor? Yes
    Do you believe in mentors? Yes
    What is the value of a mentor? The value of having a mentor is that you have someone in your corner, guiding you and providing support
    What kind of people are good mentors? People you trust
    Do you think a mentor can help a young person cope? Yes

  3. I believe in mentors. I have never had one. I have asked two women on two seperate occasions. One told me she did not have time, the other said she was was to childish to mentor anyone. EventhoughI can talk to my mother about anything, I wonder if I would be any different if I had a mentor.

  4. Did you have a mentor? - Yes a wonderful one.
    Do you believe in mentors? - Absolutely. My mother taught me early to find strong women in my environments and get to know them. There is a reason why they smile.

    What is the value of a mentor?
    - A mentor is your friend, your confidant, expert, student and soundboard. I have always had different mentors in my life and I am happy to say they have always enhanced my perspective in each of those roles. That is of great value to people - having a guide on the path of life for a little while is more valuable that gold.

    What kind of people are good mentors?
    - People with Open hearts and minds who are willing to share. When people are open and willing to share their experiences, hearts, homes, study times, coaching, shopping, laughing, etc.

    Do you think a mentor can help a young person cope? - I absolutly think a mentor can help a person cope. I would have been in very bad situations if it weren't for my mentor at the time recognizing it and helping me "cope" and get through the situation.

  5. Did you have a mentor? Yes, along my life’s journey I have had many mentors

    Do you believe in mentors? Of course, because these people helped shape many of my decisions

    What is the value of a mentor? Priceless. The love and experiences/life lessons they have shared with me have been beneficial.

    What kind of people are good mentors? People who care. People who listen and really try to make a connection. People who are able to share their experiences as teachable moments.

    Do you think a mentor can help a young person cope? Yes, sometimes in ways that a parent/relative could not.

  6. I totally believe in mentors. I have one now but she has turned into a dear friend over the years. I think they are important because they can provide advice, experience and be a cheering section when need be. It is important that someone that you value sees value and potential in you. That foundation can propel you towards your dreams. The value of this this person is ones life is priceless.

  7. I think mentors can be great. I've heard wonderfuly stories with Big Sisters/Brothers Little Sisters/Brothers and other programs. I never had a mentor like that--someone who guided me through life...it sure would've made things easier just to have someone to talk to about things. Someone to relate with -- trying to be on the college prep track was something foreign to me and my family and it was difficult trying to bumble my way through.

    I would say that even though I didn't have one set person to act as a mentor to me, various people entered (and left) my life at different times helping me along the way. I've had experiences with teachers that have given me a nudge along the way...even if the nudge was just one positive comment, it helped at the time. So maybe a mentor can be a series of people that come and go and help lead you through life.

    The type of person that would make a good mentor would be someone that is COMMITTED. Being able to be there for the child is essential. Signing up to do the program, then quitting after a while can really do damage to a kid that probably already has issues or problems. So, for me, committment is a HUGE priority.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes I have mentors and they are AWESOME. I believe and encourage people to have mentors in your life because they serve as positive role models, sounding boards, and a source of encouragment. Mentors can often identify areas of growth and potential for you, as well as new opportunities. Mentors will be there if you are going through a mini-crisis and can often offer you sound advice. Mentors are people that truly have your best interest in mind.

    I agree with the comment above that the people that make the best mentors are the ones that will be committed to you. The ones that will challenge you and introduce you to new opportuities. The best mentors are people that you admire and can expose you to new things.

    Yes, mentors can help you cope because they will simply listen to you... allowing you to vent and helping you to think of solutions to your problems. Mentors can often suggest resources that can help solve the problem. Most importantly, the mentor should be someone that is invested in you and you are building a relationship with them, so they will want to do their best to try and help. I would strongly recommend that everyone gets at least one mentor in their life.

  10. I have had a mentor all of my life, but didn't realize it until I was an adult. I have an older aunt who was always there with a word of wisdom, plenty of encouragement and guidance throughout my life. I have consulted with her about every important decision in my life.

    I do believe in mentors, and I believe that just as in my case, there are many family members, neighbors and teachers who don't realize the positive and valuable impact they are having on someone's life.

    Mentors are extremely valuable throughout a person's life, not just in the younger and teen years.

    I believe that a person has to be a great listener to be a good mentor. When I was younger I never understood why I always consulted my aunt instead of my mother, or my pastor or other wise and intelligent people I knew. As I got older I realized what it was that drew me to my aunt...I noticed that not very many people are good listeners...they are great talkers, and have lots of knowledge to impart, but it takes a patient and understanding person to be a good listener. My aunt would give me her undivided attention while I was explaining some dire situation or wrestling with some important decision. Her careful responses, and wise advice made it clear to me that she had listened intently to every word I had spoken before she formulated an answer. A person has to be selfless, unassuming, and non-judgemental to be a great mentor.

    Mentors can certainly help young people cope, not only through good times, but to handle successes as well. A great mentor can help build resiliency in young people through hardships, and keep them grounded through good times.

  11. I've been fortunate to have a few mentors throughout my life. I certainly believe in mentors, as they have wisdom and experience that is invaluable. I've always valued my mentors' encouragement, openness, and unending dedication to helping me navigate through life and life's challenges.

    Good mentors care, are willing to share their experiences, are open and honest and aren't afraid to tell you when you aren't being your best "you". A mentor is the perfect person to help a young person cope with their challenges, if they are able to identify one another.

  12. -Did you have a mentor?-
    I had two teachers I looked up to, and one person around my age. But I admired them from afar for the most part, and just tried to model my behavior after theirs. I don’t think they ever knew what a huge effect they had on my development.

    -Do you believe in mentors?-
    I do, and though my experience was more of a heroine-worship thing, I can only imagine how powerful it must be when a person actually views himself or herself as someone’s mentor.

    -What is the value of a mentor?-
    A mentor is a trusted advisor, and although I think most people think of youth when they hear the word, one can have mentors throughout one’s life.

    -What kind of people are good mentors?-
    Caring people who uphold their commitments. Folks who know how to care for others and participate in their lives while never forgetting to take care of themselves first.

    -Do you think a mentor can help a young person cope?-
    This is where my background in education and youth development shows my bias – a mentor can ABSOLUTELY help a young person cope. A caring relationship with an adult is an essential part of any young person’s development into a successful, self-sufficient young adult. I believe young people need: physical & emotional safety; caring relationships with adults; opportunities for leadership; engagement with their communities; and opportunities to build skills (academic, social, workforce). OK, taking off my youth development hat. ; )
